Wednesday, July 2, 2014



When we woman are pregnant we get a lot of mixed emotion because of the crazy new hormones that we not used to and at some point we take them out to the cause of all this which at some point the man has to step in and save the day.

What man should do at this stage is to

1. Tell her how happy you are even if you kicking and screaming inside but her knowing you happy will lower her doubts and stress of the pregnancy.

2. Let her know that you are with her in every step of the way and you will support her however she wants you to and mean it because if you don't all hell will break lose on you.

3. Whether you around or not during the pregnancy morning calls, texts and even emails will mean a lot to her, asking how is she and saying all the little things that always make her smile.

4. Always remind her that she is beautiful all the time because pregnancy always make us feel ugly, fat and uncomfortable but if you remind her that she is beautiful that will make her really happy.

5. Always offer to do things for her so that she can rest, things like running errand, buying grocer, cooking and some of the chores in the house because when we pregnant we need to rest.

6. After a long day when she was running around at work or even in town, in the evening offer her a foot rub because standing for 2 people can be exhausting so let her lean back and just give her that foot massage and it will mean the world to her.

7. Always remind her to take her vitamins, because with all the work she will be doing it might slip her mind so be the saving grace and remind her.

8. Be intimate with her because at the end of the day she is not a sick patient, so when you get a chance when she is not pushing you away, show her that you still see her the was you used to and you appreciate the changes of her body and show her some love, mhhhm.

9. Always be willing to stop what ever you doing whenever her crazy craving kick in even if its the middle of the night, and please make sure you know what her cravings are so you can always keep them in the house because when she wants something everything doesn't matter to her.

10. And Finally, always be calm at all times even if she is screaming at you for no reason just be calm because the last thing we woman want is a man who turns away and not listen to what we have to say even it we shout it and even if you feel like its not important, always be calm.

Always be the one to say “Honey, I'm sorry“ even if she was the one at wrong but always apologise because we dnt want the blood pressure hitting sky high because no one wants to end the argument because that can cause problems to the pregnancy so always make sure that little misunderstandings don't erupt like a volcano

Good Luck Daddies, make sure you bond with your wife and kid

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Horror Deaths in Bizana, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Horror deaths in a small town of Eastern Cape, Bizana has left the residents of Highland more terrified of even their neighbours because they don't know who to trust anymore and even the police have became suspect because of their behaviour in response of these terrifying acts happening in this village.

About a year ago a very old woman was murdered in her home and was found by her son in the morning from work and the police have not arrested anyone till today because they say the residents got there first and messed with their so called evidence so it's a hard and waste of resources to follow.

On Friday the 28th of March 2014 I went home and I was told that a gal was found just few blocks from my house dead and her lower abdomen was cut open and her womb was taken out and was left there till someone saw her in the morning and if you were to see her picture you would been terrified as me and our lovely Cops said there is nothing they can do because the residents got there first and messed with the evidence which I don't know how.

And then in the morning I woke up and there was a lot of noise with people running and I didn't know what was happening till someone told me that a mad man was found dead with his skull opened and the brain was taken out and some parts that were not disclosed but lucky enough the guy who did this was caught by the security guards of Makwande Guesthouse And then they beaten by them and the cops took their time to embrace us with their presence and the murderer was taken to hospital like a king wanting no one coming any closer to him.

Two murder cases in one week, then the residents called an emergency meeting and the cops were there to keep the peace and when residents asked what is going to happen about this case they said, nothing much is going to be done because "the residents got to the scene first and probably messed with the evidence" which I still don't understand how.

This all means this guy will be walking among us soon because of how the cops handle these cases. Now the residents have sworn to handle things themselves because the cops ain't doing their jobs and they have sworn that if they see that guy they will kill him then call the cops after.

Now I wonder who are we going to trust if we can't be protected by our own police?
Is it because the police are involved in these murders hence they respond the way they do?
Why will we be arrested for taking the law into our own hands if the police can't do their jobs?

Even I am scared of going home now because you don't know who is the next target and I can't be having my parts taken out because I still wanna live a very long life.

This town needs some external help because it has failed to help itself and protect us. HELP BIZANA WE DYING HERE

Friday, January 3, 2014


Happy new year from mi family to you. So on the 31st of December 2013 i went to a Gospel Celebration and it was so amazing to be there even though i left before every singer entered the stage. the most amazing part was when we were getting motivation speech from " Mthunzi Namba" he quoted from the bible that the Lord worked making this world and he rested on the 7th day and then he blessed the day and putted a command that no-one should do any work on that day because its a day where you get all your blessings. Now we are in 2014 which simple means everything you do it will be blessed because 7+7=14 meaning you will get double blessing, double success and prosper to your fullest.

Many people made Resolutions for this year and most of them wont even live up to them because of many challenges of the world but my advice to is that you should not make a resolution that you know you can not fulfill. But you have to aim @ the sky so that when you fall the clouds catch you and lift you up again. My Resolution never changes as years changes because i know what is the meaning of it. ' make each day count" is my only resolution and will never change it because when you don't make each day count then it simple means that's as days get wasted and so as what you wish to achieve in life.

Anyway let me not bore you with all the lecture because i'm no expect i'm only an individual.

I wish you a :-
Fantastic January
Love able February
Marvelous March
Foolish April
Enjoyable May
Successful June
Wonderful July
Independent August
Powerful September
Tastiest October
Beautiful November
Happiest December